For fans of the Gundam series, this rare 1st edition manga comic is a must-have addition to your collection. The story follows the actions of a young boy named Obi, who is transported to a world where Gundam models are sentient beings. The comic is written in Japanese and was published in 2020. The manga is part of the Gundam Bandiera Vol.1 series, which is known for its unique take on the Gundam universe. This item is a collectible and is perfect for fans of manga and anime. Don't miss out on the chance to own this rare and sought-after item. <Description> We handle genuine Japanese products. Please check photo and feel free to contact us for more details. <Shipping> Standard Shipping Air mail (with tracking) Delivery time : About 2-6 weeks Expedited Shipping FedEx (with tracking) Delivery time : About 1-4 weeks <Terms of Sale> • Shipping is only available to the address registered in eBay. If you want us to send another address, please change your address on eBay and then place an order • Shipping is available from Monday to Friday. Weekends are not available because freight (shipping) companies are closed. <International Buyers - Please Note:> Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.