Bismuth powder 99.9% BI 83. processed from ingot using a small batch ball mill to maintain the highest quality and purity. All material is sieved to size. From 50-100-150-200-250-325 mesh the product is processed through a magnetic field to aid in maintaining its purity. Processed in and shipped from Texas. Bismuth finds its main uses in pharmaceuticals, atomic fire alarms and sprinkler systems, solders, ammunition and other alloys and pigments for cosmetics, glass and ceramics. It is also used as a catalyst in rubber production. Atomic number: 83. Atomic weight: 208.98040. Melting point: 544.55 K (271.40°C or 520.52°F) Boiling point: 1837 K (1564°C or 2847°F) Density: 9.807 grams per cubic centimeter. Phase at room temperature: Solid. Element classification: Metal. Period number: 6. CAS: 7440-69-9 NOTE: The scale used for visualization was zeroed with the 1/2cup, then filled with powder for reference of what one pound is equivalent to in volume. powder shown in the 1/2cup is 150mesh. item is packaged in 1lb+ food grade resealable plastic pouches, with a clear front and thermal sealed tear off top. The bismuth powder listed is a 150-325mesh blend, With a majority of it being 250mesh Note: to those who would be attempting to melt this product. Please research, This item requires different applications to melt vs solid or ingot. Due to its fine state it will oxidize if the heat is too intense or there is the presence of o2. I do have ingot if that is what your looking for